Saturday, June 30, 2007

Learn How to Apply a Simple Equation for Success in Your Life

Author: Susan Burgess
I get sick of hearing the comments; 'I don't have enough energy to be successful.'

Or, 'you are more successful because you have more energy than me.'

How much energy do you need to aim for success?

Energy can be defined as 'the capacity for vigorous activity; available power; the capacity to do the work.'

Success can be defined as 'a favorable outcome; the gaining of wealth and fame.'

My definition of success is 'using your available power to achieve your desired outcome (success).'

If your desired outcome is failure you will need the same energy to be a successful failure, than you will need to be a successful successor!

In mathematical terms,
Success = (energy applied + desired success related outcomes).
Failure = (energy applied + desired failure related outcomes).

Focusing on the negative takes as much energy as focusing on the positive.
Being depressed about your failures takes the same energy as being elated with your successes.

So if the level of energy used to be miserable is the same as what is needed to be successful why is it that some will and some won't be successful when both expand the same amount of energy?

There are the group who will comment that success is all based on how lucky you are, or that you were in the right place at the right time, or that you shop or business was in the right position for your good fortune to just happen. Well for the majority of successful people, luck has never played a role and the other two suggestions are the result of planning and applying the success equation.

'The Secret' movie has created incredible interest worldwide, with inputs in the movie from successful and wealthy people, who all followed the same map. Media commentaries and news headlines have emerged relating to those who have (allegedly) ripped off as many systems as they could to gain success, at the same time reportedly using the concepts portrayed in the movie; to the group who have supposedly followed the flow and dreamed up their success only to still be a failure. Let's not forget those who continue to whine that they just hate all this fluffy stuff that is going on around them.

'The Secret' did its job, it created success for the journalistic producer, whether you like it or not and the secret or the science behind 'the Secret' has been making people successful for a very long time, also whether you believe it or not, the concepts will continue to lead people to success for a very long time to come.

Why is it, that globally, there are a group of successful people who have previously been 'street people', drug users, school dropouts and English or Math failures or ex janitors with limited education? What is it that this group of people has, or what is it that they have developed to be so successful and living the life of their desires?

Part of the answer is to get a mentor, no matter what areas you want to add improvement to in your life, common sense, or your inner gut feeling, will tell you this, go and find yourself a mentor or a coach.

But, and there is a big but and this is where the majority come to the brick wall. This is the total crux of the matter and it doesn't matter how many books, programs, DVD's, seminars you attend or business ventures you get involved in, until you totally understand and take a grip of what rules you, governs your behavior, what controls your thinking, what controls the system that you have filed deep within your brain cells nothing will change.

You will continue to try to use the equation of success as previously mentioned, but without the real science, success will continue to evade you.

Success is a science
, numerous books have been written on how the science works and there are variables (obstacles) that just pop up in people's lives that need to be negotiated if a success outcome is to be achieved. I always find it so interesting how one can lead their life obstacle free, until the time comes to change their life!

As success requires a little bit more than just your ordinary energy and a strong desire, I developed my equation for success believing that if you live by it each and every day (that is the big ask) you will achieve your goals. By studying the great minds of our past century and those that are successful, no matter what we set out to do requires a blueprint, or a roadmap, but it also requires the ingredient that inspires the momentum - a shift in conscious thinking - a shift in your mindset.

Having worked with children with disabilities, including blind children, (most don't regard themselves as having disability) I have had the gratification of learning the following amazing success equations;

SELF DETERMINATION = (knowledge - pity) + (skills x confidence) + blind role models

SUCCESS =self-determination + (talent x perseverance)

The equation that leads these children to be successful in life led me to develop my equation, an equation that has led me to my success; my suggestion is to put a blindfold on for at least one full day and you will get the secret ingredient necessary for success, the change in mindset, the most important secret ingredient to your success.

You don't have to be brilliant at math to master the success equation just apply it;

SUCCESS = (mindset + knowledge) + (action x perseverance) + mentor.

About the Author:
Susan Burgess is a Success Mentor,Author, Reg N Dip NEd, who believes in helping people through a combination of life skills and wealth management. For more information on how to remove the obstacles in your life visit to receive Wise Up to Wealth Newsletter and other free gifts.
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