Free Penis Enlargement | That works for everyone
This is a great starting routine. So many new guys do not know where to start so I put this together for you. Please read it over and ask any quetions.
Good luck!
Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks
Basic Jelqing
For First 2 weeks - 300 2 Second Jelqs
after 2 weeks - 600 2 Second Jelqs
After Jelq: Warm Down
PC Muscle Fitness
100 quick Kegel squeezes
50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good sign. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.
A very important part of your program will be the Warm-up and Warm-Down. During this process you will be preparing your penis for exercise. It is important to warm up in order to loosen the ligaments and increase good blood flow. There are many different ways to accomplish this here are a few:
Heating Pad: A conventional heating pad works very well for warm-up. You can pick one up for under $14.00 and they create the perfect heating supply for warm-up. Wrap your penis in the heating pad, plug it in, set a comfortable temperature and relax for 10-15 minutes.
Hot Wrap: A hot wrap is a quicker, less expensive way to warm-up. With a standard washcloth fill you sink or tub with hot water. Soak washcloth until hot and wrap penis. Re-soak rag as it cools. This process should be done for about 5 minutes.
Oil rub Warm-up: With some basic baby oil heat in hot water or microwave very quickly (making sure it is not burning hot) when desired heat is reached work this oil into your penis in a deep massage. This massage should last 5 minutes.
Hot Tub, Shower or Bath: A warm-up can also be done in one of the previously mentioned places. If time allows a nice 10 minute soak really loosens things up and prepares you for exercise.
Basic Stretching
After your warm-up in a seated position prepare yourself for your stretching routine. With an ample supply of Baby powder on you hands grip your penis just below the head. Go easy at first and over your first week, as you become comfortable, increase the stretching strength to 100%.
Basic Jelqing
With desired lubricant (I highly recommend Vaseline) cover hands and penis completely. At this point you will want to have about an 80% erection (semi-soft) Now in a seated position with your palm down grip your penis with the standard OK sign grip. Gripping your penis at the extreme base and a tight grip, force the blood from the very base up to right below the head in a sliding motion. When your first hand reaches the bottom of your head the second hand begins the same movement. This is a strange movement at first but over a few sessions it will become second nature. With each passing day increase the intensity ever so slightly. The goal of basic jelqing is too enlarge girth, add length and improve general penile health.
PC Muscle Fitness/Kegels
This is an important part of your workout.
This routine can be done anywhere. The benefits of doing these are a huge part of your growth process. A mature, developed PC muscle will be paramount to future gains and penile health.
What is a kegel?
A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To feel this muscle movement simply stop and start the flow of urine. This isolation of the PC muscle is a kegel.
Why would I want to do kegel exercises?
- Stronger Erections
- Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
- Larger head size
- Further ejaculatory Distance
- Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
- It can prevent prolapsed of pelvic organs
- It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough
Testicle Health
Testicle Health Stretch will help your penis to hang lower in flaccid state. It will also increase blood flow to your testicles and aid in sperm count. This routine should take no longer than 5 minutes but the benefits are many.
With favorite lotion grab your scrotum just above your testicles. Now in a rubbing motion massage each testy for 30 seconds rubbing between your fingers in a gentle but firm movement. Now massage all the fluid around your testicles for 60 seconds. At this point your scrotum should be very relaxed. Finally lightly stretch your scrotum downward while the other hand pulls your penis upward. Do 60 of these. This is a very quick routine but the benefits are great. This will also aid you in any kind of early warning signs of testicular problems.
I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.
Some Easy Steps to Avoid PE Injury
So many guys end up with some sort of PE injury, from thrombosis to blisters I am sure we all have fell victim to some minor or major injury. There are some things you can do that will help you avoid these injuries and keep you training and gaining. I have a few that I will list but if anyone wants to add to the list please do. Knowledge is king.
1. Take Your Time: There is no rush in PE. Make sure you give yourself ample time to get your session done. Mistakes are made when we rush and the penis is a terrible thing to mess up on. If you need more time get up earlier or go to bed later. The extra couple minutes may be your best injury deterrent.
2. Warm-up & Warm-Down: Hot wraps may be your best way to avoid thrombosis. They do take time and I am guilty of avoiding them but if you can understand what a hot wrap does the extra 5 minutes may be worth it. A hot wrap prepares the penis for exercise. It promoted good blood flow, relaxes the tissue and allows for the intense pressure you will be doing during a jelq, squeeze or clamp session. After the session a warm down Hot Wrap prevents blood clots (thrombosis) from happening by relaxing the capillaries and veins and allowing for good blood flow. Again this is a wise 5 minutes.
Warm-up-down options:
Heating Pad: A conventional heating pad works very well for warm-up. You can pick one up for under $14.00 and they create the perfect heating supply for warm-up. Wrap your penis in the heating pad, plug it in, set a comfortable temperature and relax for 10-15 minutes.
Hot Wrap: A hot wrap is a quicker, less expensive way to warm-up. With a standard washcloth fill you sink or tub with hot water. Soak washcloth until hot and wrap penis. Re-soak rag as it cools. This process should be done for about 5 minutes.
Oil Rub Warm-Up: With some basic baby oil heat in hot water or microwave very quickly (making sure it is not burning hot) when desired heat is reached work this oil into your penis in a deep massage. This massage should last 5 minutes.
Hot Tub, Shower or Bath: A warm-up can also be done in one of the previously mentioned places. If time allows a nice 10 minute soak really loosens things up and prepares you for exercise.
3. Take a Baby Aspirin Daily: I am sure you have heard that an aspirin is heart smart but it is also penis smart. The reason it is suggested to take 82mg of aspirin a day is because it promotes good blood flow and it helps avoid blood clotting (thrombosis) This is a simple thing that may keep you from lengthly thrombosis injury.
4. Massage Between Reps: When we stretch there is a huge demand for strong grip. This grip can some times cause small fluid bubbles just under the skin where we grip. They are hard to detect and mostly painless. Painless until they pop from continuous pressure. A simple 30 second thumb and forefinger massage to the area you grip at after each stretch will loosen the fluid and avoid a blister from forming. If you ever had a blister pop at your gripping point you know how painful this can be.
5. Measure Once and Put The Ruler Away: Sometimes measuring can become and obsession. When this happens and we continuously pull and stretch to get our best reading brush burns to the glans (head) and shaft can occur. Measuring does not need to be a sport in itself. Remember you can always gain and sometimes the ruler can be cruel. Get in the habit of measuring once and accepting the reading. You will have good days and bad days but in the end you will always gain.
6. Testicle Health Massage: This is some thing I know many guys avoid and you really shouldn't. Testicle health massage not only helps your penis hang better, increase the hang of your scrotum, promote good blood flow and give you increased sperm count but it is also the best method to detecting early warning signs of testicular cancer. Finding a bump early may save your life.
7. It's OK to Take a Break: Coming from me I know many of you will laugh but listen to your body. If you feel too sore to train give yourself the day off. You will not lose gains by taking a break as a matter of fact many men come back from breaks reporting quick new gains. PE is more of a lifetime commitment than a race.
8. Don't Freak Out: The penis is a very tough body part. Most penile injuries are temporary and will get better. During my 3 year tour of PE I have never met anyone who sustained a permanent injury. Most things will clear up within a few days but if you follow these steps your chances of sustaining an injury are much less.
Feel free to contact me if you have any trouble or would like advice, my email is I will try my best to get back to you within 24 hours.
Hope I helped, best of luck
W S Worley
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This site offers information and solutions to naturally enlarge with exercise routines like the one above with pictures, videos and great help if you ever get stuck or worried about anything. With users reporting gains of 2-3 inches again.
This site has a free ebook, and lots of information you will find useful.
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A site comparing some of the tools and systems you could use.
About the Author
I have been researching penis enlargement for nearly 5 years now, I have joined many programs which I found didnt have the information I needed to get started. I am going to show you the secrets to the perfect penis and the programs that DO work. These secrets will make you more confident with women and make you feel a whole lot happier.
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