Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A Few Health Tips For Busy Moms

There’s no doubt about it- Moms are busier today then ever before. Most moms struggle balancing work life and home life, or if Mom stays at home, she often feels as if she is on a never-ending roller coaster that begins from the moment she wakes up until the time she falls asleep. It seems as if the most often complaint heard by mothers is that they don’t have time to take care of their health.

Lack of sleep, not enough time to exercise, eating fast foods are just some of the complaints that mothers feel contribute to their poor health. Well, here are some tips that will help ensure that all moms, no matter what their schedules, can take steps to protect their health.

First, make sure that you drink plenty of water. This may seem like an insignificant step, but you would be amazed how many women are actually dehydrated. Soft drinks, coffee, and energy drinks all hold a special appeal to moms who are busy as they suggest giving that boost that they need, yet the repercussions far outweigh the rewards. The calories that you gain from these drinks will only work against your health goals. You don’t have to cut these drinks out of your diet completely, just cut back and replace them with the required amount of water that you should drink daily. You need at least 8 glasses of water per day, but you may want to ask your physician exactly how much water he or she recommends you take.

Exercise is an area that many women neglect due to the hectic schedules that they keep. However, there is good news. New studies have shown that you don’t have to work out for a consecutive 30 minutes 3 times a week to be healthy. In fact, if you are a new mom, or just can’t find 30 minutes to dedicate to your workout, you can break it up throughout the day. If you can find ten minutes to work out three times per day, you will achieve the same benefits as if you worked out 30 minutes once during the day. The same rule applies if you break your workout into six segments of five minutes each. Therefore, find your work out schedule and break it up throughout your day. This way if the phone rings, or the baby cries don’t feel that you have to give up your workout. Just pick up where you left off, when you get another moment of time to yourself, and you will be fine.

If you find that you aren’t getting enough rest at night, then take naps when your baby is napping. If you have a hard time unwinding at night, try drinking chamomile tea. By incorporating these tips into your daily life, you will find that your health will improve no matter how busy your schedule is.

Find more great health tips at our Health reference website providing news / articles / directory / internet search.

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