Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Discover 6 Essentials To Maximise Your Health And Energy, & Avoid Disease - Pt 1

Do you ever wonder just HOW you can achieve greater energy; better health, and minimise your chances of succumbing to a crippling illness like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia etc.?

If you're like a rapidly growing number of Australians, you've probably already decided that you're not prepared to accept the "roll-the-dice" approach to your health and wellbeing!

Or, maybe you're simply at a point where you're having to make some changes in your life… changes to bring about some better results in your body and mind.

This first part of a six part series is about helping you on a journey to discover better health, increased energy, and to realize that there IS something that you can do to stack the odds in YOUR favor, when it comes to avoiding chronic disease.

Now of course, we don't believe in magic-pills, or supposed miracle snake-oil cures! And I'm sure you don't either! This is about real information, for intelligent people who are searching for RESULTS…

…People like yourself, and many other people around the world right now.

So here's number one, of the six essential things you must know to maximise your health and energy, and avoid disease:

(Drum roll please: "drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr Ta-da!")

#1: You have more control than you think!

There is a pervasive mentality out there that goes a bit like this:

"I'll eat and drink what I like, get little or no exercise, and fill my mind with junk, and I'll be alright mate! If I do 'get struck down' with an illness, I'll go off to the doctor; take some drugs, have some surgery, and I'll be alright mate!"

Don't get me wrong, if that's you - I don't blame you; that's probably how you've been brought up, and that's the view our society supports. But….

I'd suggest that if you subscribe to this view, you're headed for problems!!

Personally, I very much doubt you have this view, otherwise you wouldn't have even visited this article in the first place! True? So I'm pretty safe in assuming you have a different mindset right?

I thought so…

The fact is, what we eat….

What we drink…

What exercise we get….

…and what happens in our minds, has a RADICAL effect on our health!

YES, we can completely change our health results, by changing the things that go INTO our bodies and mind, and by changing certain aspects of our lifestyle routines, such as exercise.

It comes down to knowledge, discipline, lifestyle and persistence.

First let's briefly consider knowledge.

Why did so many unfortunate asbestos factory workers end up dying of lung cancer? Because they didn't KNOW it was dangerous to be inhaling asbestos. These days, with the benefit of that knowledge, you can hardly even THINK of moving a piece of asbestos sheet, and the authorities are on to you!

Knowledge, was the key. The right knowledge can SAVE YOUR LIFE!

There are numerous other examples you can probably think of.

The point is, what is our knowledge level like? And what is the quality of our knowledge?

We can firstly simply LACK knowledge… we can be ignorant of certain truths that are out there for everyone to learn if they want to - or we can even be in denial about that knowledge, for various reasons! A good example would be smoking…

Few could argue the scientific evidence that smoking causes cancer and other horrific diseases; yet multitudes still smoke habitually. Many may be in denial of the knowledge that is evident.

Secondly, we can have incomplete or inaccurate knowledge. Something that most people think is fine, may in fact be harmful.

We promote an approach that is practical, but based on the best available knowledge you can find. We encourage you to have an inquiring outlook into your health - after all it's YOUR body, and no-one is going to be more concerned about it than YOU!

Be open to new developments and possible solutions to health challenges that you may have. But research your knowledge carefully - beware of just any old opinion that's touted around out there!

So, knowledge is a major key. The knowledge you will learn even in this short course alone, can literally save you from an early death, or perhaps even worse, the pain and debilitation of your later life spent with chronic disease. The second factor we mentioned above is discipline.

Not a popular word these days is it?

Shall we skip over that one!?

Maybe not. We're not going to make significant changes in our lives without some APPLIED EFFORT, whether it be mental or physical. If we have spent 10, 20, 30 or more years living our lives in a certain way, it takes some WILL-POWER to change those habits! And that's quite normal…

It all depends what we give power to… do we give power to the old habit, by falling for its lure each time we're tempted?! Or do we give power to the new way by reinforcing helpful and nourishing behaviours into our lifestyle?

The third aspect was lifestyle. This is linked to discipline. But this aspect is probably the main reason why countless thousands of hopeful Australians go on a "diet" to lose some weight, and fail… Six to nine months down the track they are in no better, or even a worse state than they were when they started out headlong into the latest food fad!

Whatever changes we need to make, must be based on a progressive lifestyle change, not a crash-bang, no holds-barred-approach for a few days, and then crash and burn!

Did you get that? "Progressive Lifestyle Change” That will bring about long term, lasting results, if you apply discipline, and….

Persistence - the last of the four aspects we mentioned above.

Something new always has a novelty about it for a few days, weeks, or even months… don't you find?

But how do we look a year down the track, or even five, ten of twenty?

Have we deeply ingrained the habit into our lives? Have we stuck at it through thick and thin, or at least brought ourselves back onto the path if we veer off for a season?

This is the territory of persistence…

Does that make sense?

I trust you've enjoyed this first part of our course. Please visit our site below to grab the rest of the installments to this course and have them delivered to your inbox!

Peter Cutforth is an article writer and marketer with a passion for natural health. Get YOUR FREE 6 part e-course here: Discover The Six Essential Things You Must Know To Maximise Your Health And Energy, And Avoid Disease! FREE E-Course

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_R_Cutforth

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